This is perhaps the happiest competition I ever had.
Onang and I never finished as Champion in any of the three
categories we joined, but I was contented enough that we got 2 Bronze and 1
Silver awards in Grade D and the Special Event categories – this being our
second competition together. Considering what had happened the past month, I
believe this was a good finish. In addition, my partner almost couldn’t dance
during competition day as she was experiencing some weird shit with her stomach
and would faint anytime, but still she showed me and everyone else she was a
real fighter.
I am so grateful for a lot of other things:
1. Onang is finally graduating from engineering
school. Yey! In a year or so, she will be a licensed Civil Engineer. While
preparing for the boards, we can have a lot of time for practice. She will
become a professional soon!
2. Finishing 2nd in Special Event Male even though Onang was hardly dancing and focusing on not fainting – hahahaha!
2. Finishing 2nd in Special Event Male even though Onang was hardly dancing and focusing on not fainting – hahahaha!
5. One adjudicator remembered us and told us we
looked really great together. :)
6. My close buddy BJ was Champion in Grade C – the
place where he and Rochelle really ought to be.
7. Roque and Rhea finished as 4th in Amateur Latin – my wallet isn’t happy though as I promised them Yakimix.
9. Made up with a close friend after the competition and we’re now okay! :)
So that was it, the First Quarter Ranking for this year.
Everyone went home happy. We will practice harder and prepare for upcoming
And, by the way, don’t you just love our costumes?

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